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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  April 30, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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president billclton wks wi psidentba twica anin yurvoe. grt avyo wth us t t andfou rng. disside disside dissident. he's under the protection of the american embassy after escaping house arrest. members of american based china aid confirm he's in u.s. hands. >> he's very safe and in good spirit. physically a little tired given the years of house arrest. >> protesters walked thetrts folling word tt the tw sis ulrehgrme i e xt8 ur joinmeows i wlis.
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pin t surprisingly so. and there are few facts but plenty of intrigue. dissident sources have said to us he's in what they call the safe place. and they say there is only one safe place in beijing for him, the u.s. embassy. or at least some sort of did diplomatic safe house. but that said, officials, chinese and american, are refusing to confirm that. the secrecy surrounding whatever's going on is intense. in fact the state department wouldn't en confirm that their point m on as, rt cabe, d arid bein ahohe s soted by jrnisto w,'d dave been a long
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more effective than we thought. one friend of chen described the escape as the chinese version of the "shawshank redemption," you'll recall that film and the meticulous way in which that particular character escaped. well, it seems that he tried to tunnel his way out of that villager. that didn't work. and then he faked illness for several weeks. didn't leave the house. trying to alllull his guardses to a false sense of security which seemed to work. he then reportedly scaled the wall before stumbling around for perhs two hours befor beg t hi dssen rids ddot fgehi craou mawali sce chdhd. is abl escape. but of course a tremendoustreme dilemma for china and the united
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states before hillary clinton arrives. unless they do find an agreement, there will be nothing routine about her visit here. >> ramps up an eye on the secretary of state's visit. thousa thousand back to home and politics. romney campaign accusing obama of playing politics withh killfosa n laen th n afeurg bl clto ta a lk. s ny e.l. h gothe dt but he reasoned. he took the harder and more honorable path. and the one that produced in my win i don't know the best result. >> that ad then goes on to
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suggest mitt romney might not have gotten bin laden. p the romney campaign says it goes too far. >> this is one of the reasons president obama has become one of the most divisive presidents in american history. he took something that w a unifying ent for allmicans d he' maned to rntnt a vivearsapotil ta. t'al rebthis you.olicporel republicans accuse the president of really spiking the football on this will. is that far? no pictures of the president with a accomplish accomplished banner waving behind him and isn't that the main reason why we have a phrase of great risk, great reward? >> absolutely. i don't think it's a fair criticism at all. we're just talking the facts. and the fact of the matter is that president obama took a very difficult decision when governor
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romney had said doing such they think would be foolish. thk erhit verunccinto a pathetif self congratulation. here's what robert gibbs had to say over the weekend on "meet the press". >> osama bin laden no longer walks on this planet today because of that brave decision and the brave actions by the men and women in our military and quite frankly, mitt romney said it was a foolish thing to do a pew ye few years ago. >> is the right up in arms because the democrat being president goit right and it's just a case of surgrape >> asote ot onco atatrede amon klingosa n
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de evyo ilungmn hawath rghtin sg f he wouldn't con send sdrat centrat much as someone else would have. now what's coming out is president obama saying i'm this great president on everything from the economy to foreign policy to killing osama bin laden. mitt romney wouldn't have done it. and we all know that's not the case. president obama is having such a bad month. you look at the supreme court discussions on the health care to immigration. look at the bad news on the economy. he needs some good news. that's why the dogged concentration on the killing of osama bin laden. >> so let's talk about the economy. perry, about the point of who saved detroit. the two campaigns arguing now over who saved the auto industry. over the weekend, of the mn campan tdvers yi tnlecom sce pridt amhahais beusheolweit roey aic rerrg t sruur
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sledanbe not consistent with what the candidate said and he even wrote in the public poll chosturing. how do you change the narrative on this? >> these are decision that obama made that worked. romney arguing they're not correct or he's politicizing. unlike the stimulus or health care and that's why the obama campaign wants to talk to them and romney wants for say this ss off the tler you're mieangn exgmas >>wo dli ds roeyttksherede ams ndngfhe eno
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ecomreiheitai? he should stick to what he knows? >> he should absolutely stick to the economy. the economy is the main issue for the selection. unless god forbid something bad happen this is in the national security front, it will be the economy. and with unemployment above 8% for three years now, the gdp numbers being awful for this last report coming out last week, mitt romney has to keep going out and they're saying i've been successful in the public and private section tore, this president has not been successful as president 38 back to the auto industry. it's 180,000 jobs later than in 2008. overwhelming majority of those jobs lost were nonunion workers. if you look at the basis of what actually happened with auto bailout, it was really just a deal that he had between the president and uaw. >> but it's thriving. you have to admit that it is thve williinand this h wa
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kns bri bac wat is ul ititi. b cta pntther os ttwenunnid plts's procehibited from going to other plant which is seems wrong. why can't they get a job at a different plant? because they weren't part of the union. we're not part of the inner circle around president obama. >> union busting is a completely different topic that we should talk about another time. but debbie, another veep tryout to talk about. kelly ayotte. what do you think is happening here is this just another test balloon and how many do you think are wiwill go snup. >> i have to go back to the auto stray where this president saved 1 hpt 4 billion jobs in the supplier industry when he accepted up and mitt romney said
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let i go bankrupt. whenyou talk about whate said, w ats feua, w stting i t auen wn mt mna e tondtrou beerffifrede oma ha'tnrvedndrede amnste ldehi chgense ttut ry yby meo eadc to say that i have to sit here as one of those people who is from the midwest and knows what would have happened if the auto industry had collapsed. started under president bush. thankfully we had a republican and a democrat who knew what the consequenceses would have been if they hadn't intervened and the economy would not be headed in the correction thdirection t headed and we got where we were because of republican policies that almost destroyed this
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industry. brought back on where we were in the post depression and we're strongly and steadily, steadily is the word trying to rebuild what we lost. >> my better question would have been just give me your reaction instead of asking about senator ayotte. i do want to get your take on whether or not this is just another test balloon to see if she would make a goodicket for ttomney. >> i think we'll seelo of st balons. eyan t bcafu and thghul, noha a rpeat o atapneinhea miti pce wnivte evyby. d thk u' s ty' io d gocoes the democrats way.
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is it a pipe dream for democrats to think this is realistic? >> i think it's a long shot, but i think the campaign does want to try to look at some states like arizona. we assume that indiana or obama won in '08, he won't win this time, but they are looking at states line arizona where the dem graphics, latino voters particularly are very big there, big population of them, romney has not done well on the immigration issue. so i think they're looking to expand the map in new places. >> ten seconds. >> 80% of the country says economy is the number one issue. so states like arizona where the economy has been very troubled are a safe place for mitt romney. barack obama shouldn't waste his i'm. >> we shall see how it all plays out. thanks to all of you. i appreciate. later this hour, president clinton teaming up with president obama for the first of three fund-raisers for the re-election campaign. we'll bring you the details
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straight ahead. but first george mmerman's lawyer launches social media mpgnor his client afte utng dow mrm's bse lt ek whhe dngt, pusaj misteme o world tde ceeril spa t pi ste ilngsneyo's taessk rer wel t rertroyo we asked tottrangers. to w it for us. i'll be right ba we asked tottrangers.
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didt ke a d w mu ifees dyouran tao wah ur mon ban no ne. peoe. emale ce st lsuranccompan okt ud stee pic
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ava weo in dfent. wee inngumit cko fensan.
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a controversial new fwtwistn the case of george zimmerman. zimmerman's attorney is launching a social media campaign on behalf of his client. two new websites have been created, one to circulate details about the trial while disputing this this information, and a second site which hasn't
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gone live, but that will collect donations to pay for zimmerman's legal expenses. o'mara has also created a facebook page and twitter feed for zimmerman, as well. we're joined by jim fahey to talk more about this. as we talk about the trial of the century, modern day, what it means to have a social media campaign working on your side, let's talk about the statement on the active site that reads we understand it's unusual for a legal defense to maintain a social media presence on behalf of a defendant, bute also acknowdge that this a very unusl case. tre peceden for anytng like ts? know we'vead trial ofhe ceurand lbed temefore, tner innth tpeof nws cl ner tyof nntityhrghocl mea ateavody. >>evanhi le tish ian mane i've kwnolic ces wre olicnmit ve weitifh' de inctntbu nhiik th wre is a vlerie. >>omhintesng aut
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thdensfu bngreed byheaerimlf t lp pa f h cie's ga es whh ierininto inabt that theefenseun nacve y eras in rhe cnser fas toeom aergeclim s
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we're about to see where this? >> i think if it this was the nra i suspect and a lot of their supporters want to get money to george zimmerman. so i think that's another aspect that we have to keep in mind here.only types of cases where i think you're really going to see funds like this being contributed is if there's some social issue that it's part of the criminal case. and that's what i think makes this case a little bit unusual. from the lawyer's perspective, one website is to keep scheduling information on there, to correct errors that the public may have. i think the lawyer did that out of self presentation because if he didn't, he would have to be paying one or two people and he said that he has had two interns working full-time on just responding to media questions. will eliminates the need to keep picking up the phone every 5 or ten minutes to answer the
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questions. >> it has brought us so many unique firsts. just watch to go sing to see if zimmerman would even be charged. great to see you. thank you. coming up, the hunt not next osama bin laden. a year after the death of the terrorist leader, forces are set on his successor. plus the search for answers after an suv plunges off an overpass killing seven family members. a horrible story. we'll bring you the latest. [ male annocer ] considering all your mouth goes through, do you really think brushing is enough to keep it clean? while brushing misses germs in 75% of your mouth,
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listerine cleans virtually your entire mouth. so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerine... power to your mouth.
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to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. [ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now, that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. this weeks marks one year since the navy s.e.a.l.s shot and killed osama bin laden. the terrorist met work hobbled but not defeated by the death of their mastermind.
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new men on the list of those a clear and present danger daniel, u.s. officials say osama bin laden's old team is all but dismantled, but al qaeda does remain. so how has the terrorist network change and how does it reinvents itself since his death? >> it's changed tremendously. for one thing, at least half of its top leadership has been decimated largely by the drone campaign in pakistan. but will is still some leaders that go way back with osama bin laden and there is some in-from a structure, although one of the most important events over the last few years is that the infrastructure has also been terribly degraded by the u.s. which makes it extremely difficult for code toto
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r ts tan stg 'sartoayheer hs anroha ambi
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de to sstinanrgizioli qda i rllismpta to he criatleer a soonwhpeleaneay llarnd 'sorth bai binhe opatn,buheis dgh. do. has bn invoedn maerndg tas. ounderestimes his inlligence. e estion is his sladship ability. the dilemma is thate doesn't have that iconic staus within al qaeda, he has to prove himself. only way for him to really prove himself is to be able to carry out successful attacks. to carry out successful attacks he has to be out there more. and if he's out there more, he's more vulnerable to american drones and to other ways of getting him. >> you you bring me to my next point because he's not out there so much.
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he wi american intelligence community doesn't have a good solid lead on where he's been since 2006. why is this such a cold trail? >> the interesting thing is remember there was also a cold trail for osama bin laden unlg not that listening ago. these terrorist leaders do practice a pretty good op sec or operational security. they are very careful. there are some indications that he has been in pakistani cities. if you go back to the months after 9/11, most of the big leaders have been captured in cities. so there is some speculation and some intelligence that suggest zawahiri has been in a teaming city inpakistan. others thinks he's on the border
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of afghanistan and pakistan. ouofcotrs ednt gr lirymiio, e raartingsa b de at wneayn ckenr thrianilamt:0 00 ctrl. ilahd r yo wt dierceou yaranma. esen cinon jns esenoba taai ai tas ttuper presenaleam. an hire survive four da
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he is the latest high powered weapon being used by the obama campaign. president bill clinton. we told you about the former president appearing in a new ad touting president obama. last night the former president also appeared at the first of three pund raisfund-raisers for obama campaign. it was held he home of terry mccull laukuauliffe. simon, great to have you here. and this relationship between the two hasn't always been chummy. especially when you think about to that bitter 2008 battle between president obama and hillary clinton for the democratic nomination. new has the four lie
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o,t vow suoge t cpan trl forhe oamte. thsendhi,hoh,s e ssing. d u arth lt gh freeeshabi inn n yh ie offi, erhing w headed the right correction and then republican economic policies made everything worse. we can't afford to go back to that set of strategies the way romney wants to do it. so i think that will be an enormous validation for the direction the obama team is going. so this is a powerful partnership for the democrats. >> so when we look about both sides having a strong incentive to be a part of all of this, both sides tooep ieaming up, fo president obama bringing out president clinton is wind at
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your back. but what is the incentive other than staying out there because clinton likes the spotlight and certainly staying relevant in the national conversation, but i, alnth hik th fht heie tthe lle a bi dat inh ectn d an tet itheam hee pudfth colishments of his administration. he reayelieves deeply that what the republicans are presenting now will take the country in the wrong direction and i think he wants to get in. if anyone knows bill clinton, this guy likes the fight. and this is going to be i think a very intense election. amazing there's another six months. and let's be honest. it's helping if secretary clinton decides she wants to run for president in 2016 -- i knew
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you were going there -- that if she decides to run, certainly will be advantageous that they're keeping their political chops and network together, their earning chips by campaigning. it's politics. i don't think anybody knows what second mace t 'avg e orop. >>t matn,ot sin has mu,s. > pes b tlast pl t p mi romnean republicann e denve with men voters. senate democratic leaders are prepare to go bring back the paycheck fairness act which was blocked by republicans. republican congresswoman kathy rogers said it this about democrats fabricating a gop war on women. >> the war on women is really a
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myth. that it has been created by the democrats in an earth to distract americans once again from the real issues. democrats know that the republicans won the women's vote in 2010. it was the first time since reagan that the republicans won the victim's vote. could be argue that had it was the american women that rspeyca. lle contue seei stteesikth binging th atttionohe won's isesrenhis country? >>ertainly helpful for the white house to keep will issue on the table. and with a democratic majority leader, this is one tactic that the obama -- i won't say the campaign, but the democratic machinery can try to employ. and at the same time, help democrats try to push legislation that might not get a
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filibuster so the violence against women's act finally got a vote. because it wasn't filibustered because republicans didn't want to have to keep talking about this. of course, though, the other thing this will do is get reporters to ask mitt romney ll t rtht oca es gngay toato the right iues ofirth ctr an miatn. t llea to epong cko e center cns h stand on these wedge issues and especially as you bring up as he'll be asked by reporters? >> i think he'll keep pushing the issue of the economy and keep pointing the finger back at the white house and saying that no matter what they want to try on distract on or come up with gimmicks on, that women have been hurt by the president's policies on the economy. that's probably going to be the talking point that you hear over
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and over again. >> great to see you this morning. thanks. colorful testimony this morning in aw st sha ear bca irtadhhe eson etr tkion fm dn no thi h mtrs s ga was aused using 1le million in campaign donations to hide the affair during his 2008 white house run. if convicted, he faces up to 30 year misprison. jay gray joins me now from greensboro, north carolina. he's covering the trial for us. so tell us more about sherry young's testimony, how pivotal she is to being backing up her husband. >> reporter: she is key just due to the fact that he so often cast her as the one in charge of the financeses for the family and a
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co ac h tg waneug i anhe wanteit ought in qck as posible. d deit cleahathe wanted the money mak sure it wou ver upis affa wh ielle hunter. and she went along with the plan because she thought the entire campaign would go down if i did not do it this this. she said she was shaking in her boots as she depositeded some of those checks. she's lending the human touch talking about ray he will hunte part of the family, her husband's dedication to john enidrdre pr sh tgo pren f eds' mi, l e ksth ilyut v ei filbeus hwa n
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ertoo osthgsr to erbe wh theifaly but she's pivotal to tie together the money trail and to bring things back around after what was a rough go for her husband on cross-examination. >> minute else expectanyone els that time stand today? >> i think she's all we'll see today and we may see her again tomorrow. she saw the money go accou ultimate t ray hwirielleunter. > authorits trying to determine what caused a weekend accident. seven people including three children died when their suv plunged off a highway overpass into a ravine mere the bronx zoo. the crash happened less than five miles from the family's home. all seven were wearing
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seatbelts. a utah woman is expected to make a full recovery after a rugged ordeal in the desert, 59-year-old victoria grover broke her leg during a six mile hike and survived four days in freezing temperatures, no food, grover says shetryayincod sard. ecl rces a aidi ithsechorosh ny a 1annit hae deployed toid a group o ugandan soldiers. kony's group has weakened and on the run. kony is notorious for taking children as prisoners to become his soldiers. they face war crime charges once they are found. xwa pogay politicians are o portion. we'll tell you about the new goal. and the commander in chief while he turns comedian at the white house correspondents dinner.
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welcome back. 2012 may mark a milestone for the gay and lesbian community. hanuead wied edha veer joing meows dni do ea to have you here. i think a lot of people would wonder does this reflect a change not only in american attitudes but a step forward electing those who truly represent an underserved part of society? >> it really does. and it also gives us results as tsf giatesn in maryland andhe
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>> congrsm barney frank who kicked open a lot of doors is set to retire this year. he was closeted for miss first seven years in the house. did he truly pave the way for politicians who didn't have to hide their trueiss first seven years in the house. did he truly pave the way for politicians who didn't have to hide their truehiiss first seven years in the house. did he truly pave the way for politicians who didn't have to hide their truesiss first seven years in the house. did he truly pave the way for politihe h al tmyalin t hoe d nng r e it stesene,he ath rof e mmits al. swh wta authe enadth he enadfo lg, e mmititlf the e licis ato ma ithcloseto sak and they do get locatelected.
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we only have two republican candidates running. no currently serving. paul babeau recently outed. wasn't running as an out man treinis opsin the puict it trese t b enlyga republicanin congres up until 2006. there haven't been in a little while thousand. and we think it's important that there are authentic lgbt voices on either side of the aisle. and in those cloak roomses and in the back rooms where the decisions about policy issues are really made. so it's important to us thatik
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add ones >> e daily baeily beast makes t observation that no state has enacted partnership rights for same sex couples without first electing openly gay legislators. so is it an important step forward in achieving marriage y'allity? to reach 1100% of the country, s s re head ant there sod don't xtt don't xu maiages? they t listoein thefrts rely th tl that their colleagues say i couldn't vote against you or your partner who i know and your kids who i know.
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that makes all the difference in the world. >> dennis, thank you, sir. we appreciate your time. >> it time for the political side bar. this week the secret service will hold an ethics in law enforcement seminar for more iaan pkehe vi t gs rus r tianng aoh wiinenos wking a entertni feigners in hotel room. and president obama joked about the agents being on a much shorter leash. >> i had a lot more material prepared, but i have to get the secret service home in time for their new curfew. >> the but i have to get the secret service home in time for their new curfew. >> he took a jab at mitt romney. alupofot,ehtt to be here in them
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>maor mleonod f e rl tde cte ao owasreomtor. th'she sse blding being constructed to replace the twin towers destroyed in the september 11th terror attacks. today workers will erect steel columns that will make the unfinished building more than 12550 feet just enough to you eclipse the empire state building as the tallest rpt building in new york city. catherine craig hasete emy. e rlntit n
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ju a sucre fom op t ch reha tht. it mbiz the rirom tragedy, t gwtof this area and the promise of what the future holds in that ceremony this afternoon, construction workers, local elected leaders, builders will mark one world trade becoming the tallest building in new york city. workers will add steel columns making the tower just over 1250 feet. it will be higher than it theet rersowh t dlati idendceastied. again, a billeremony later today with so many people who have been watching this go up for many, many years now. back to you. >> nbc's catherine craig reporting for us. that's going to wrap things up for me this hour. i'm going to see you back here
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tomorrow 181:00 a.m. eastern time. until then follow me on > tsf w tin is we. wttegiescongro t caais. llhetwksel i veer or just mude the message? and case you've been asleep for the last 48 hours, president obama told some jokes over the weekend. we will discusses the best lines from our comic in chief and discuss mitt romney, merry prankster. plus a look at our national security. a look at the year after the killing of osama bin laden is, how much is the threat of al qaeda. aer y t a psmes h tes? wsri®eng luorns a y y bghur
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of choice as well as a theme for joing m toy, msnbc contributor robert traynham, contributor ari melber of the nation, "time" magazine's rana foroohar and anlis david corn of mother jones, author of "showdown, the inside story of how obama fought back against boehner, cantor and the tea party." president obama just wrapped up coenceki s fheui a trde -ectn riali. not a pfe m. michele can tellouhat. not perfect president. but i made a promise i'd always tell you where


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